Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey Types (2025)

1. Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 GBC - Family Statistics - Woodus.com

  • Each monster belongs to a larger Family of monsters with shared traits and abilities. These traits can be useful when facing other monsters in battle.

  • Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 for the Game Boy Color family charts.

2. Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 bestiary - Dragon Quest Wiki - Fandom

  • Slimes · Dragon · Beast · Demon

  • A 1:1 conversion of the encyclopedia found ingame. There is a total of 312 monsters in Dragon Quest Monsters 2 divided into 11 families.

Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 bestiary - Dragon Quest Wiki - Fandom

3. Dragon Warrior Monsters II: Cobi's Journey Part #11 - Episode XI

4. Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 | Dragon Quest Wiki | Fandom

  • Cobi and Tara are siblings, and their father is a renowned Farmhand and Owner, who seeks to build a life in the Kingdom of GreatLog. As their ship docks on the ...

  • Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 is a spinoff game in the Dragon Quest series, and the second game in the Dragon Quest Monsters sub-series. Like its predecessor, Dragon Quest Monsters 2 features young children and the monsters they have recruited and trained to fight for them. Breeding makes a return as well. In a similar fashion to the Pokemon series of games, Dragon Quest Monsters 2 was released in two versions, called Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey and Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Ad

Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 | Dragon Quest Wiki | Fandom

5. Dragon Warrior Monsters II: Cobi's Journey Part #23 - Episode XXIII

  • Since we're so low on Bird types in our library, I'll breed Crog the CragDevil with his WildApe. BULLBIRD Type: Bird Learns: Shears ChargeUp Ramming Fun ...

  • Let's Play Dragon Warrior Monsters II: Cobi's Journey by UZworm - Part 23: Episode XXIII: LogJam

6. Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey - IGN

  • 1 nov 2001 · Both titles are nearly identical. The same quest, the same results. But each title has unique monsters and magic keys. To reach all of the many ...

  • Any game that involves collecting monsters is going to draw comparisons to the all-holy Pokemon. It's unavoidable. So let's dismiss the assumption that Enix's Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 is a Pokemon clone. It is not. If anything, it's a merging of Pokemon and Monster Rancher. If you want to collect every monster imaginable, you're gonna need to put some of your fave beasts out to stud and breed whole new species.

Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey - IGN

7. Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 - DQShrine

  • Cobi and his sister Tara recently moved to the island of GreatLog. They came with their family who hoped to start a monster farm. Soon after they arrive, ...

8. Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 - Data Crystal

  • 28 jan 2024 · Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey. Internal Name, DWM2-C BQLE. Region Code, USA. Type, Color. SGB Support, Yes. Cartridge Type, ROM + ...

  • If you are still using the old URL (datacrystal.romhacking.net), please update your bookmarks! The old URL may stop working soon. The current URL is

9. Hacks - Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: All monsters - Romhacking.net

  • 19 feb 2016 · Hack of Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey ; No Special Requirements · Role Playing · GP · 1.0 · 06 February 2014.

  • This is a very simple gameplay hack for Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 that makes every monster obtainabl

Hacks - Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: All monsters - Romhacking.net
Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey Types (2025)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.